Prodco's Retail Traffic Index
Benchmark your retail locations against industry trends
Gain access to Prodco’s Retail Traffic Index by Region, Country and Top Cities by Retail Segment and Retail Type.
A benchmark that provides insights into consumer traffic trends
In the world of retail, understanding consumer behavior is key to success. To gain valuable insights into the dynamics of retail, businesses and analysts turn to the Retail Traffic Index (RTI) report. This comprehensive reporting suite provides a wealth of data, including regional and global top cities trends, shedding light on how and where consumers are shopping. In these data sets, we delve into the latest RTI insights to explore regional trends and identify the top cities driving retail success.
Access Traffic Trends across the Globe
All the top regions, Americas, Europe, Asia and Middle East
Dozens of Countries in each region
Top World Cities
Segment and Format Specific

Track your Performance Against Industry Trends
Understand what share of traffic your stores are getting
Compare your performance on a regional, national and global level by retail segment
Retail segments include Ultra Luxury, Luxury, Lifestyle Apparel, Wireless & Electronics and many more
Access data anytime anywhere via our ProdcoLive reporting App
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